$HASH: The Token that Fuels the BMC Ecosystem
What is $HASH and why is it important?
$HASH token is BMC’s token that fuels BMC’s ecosystem. This token was implemented during the BMC Burn event (January, 2022) where you could burn two OG Miners into one Ultra Miner. Ultra Miners are what originally were generating 10 $HASH token a day.
The original use case for $HASH was to purchase hash power from real-life Bitcoin miners. These miners were purchased by BMC LLC utilizing their own funds (not funds from the community wallet) to purchase an additional 10 $BTC miners. These miners and their hash power would be auctioned every two weeks for $HASH. This means that $HASH holders could bid in order to win the $BTC hash power and be rewarded with whatever $BTC the miner would mine in a two weeks.
This was the original use case for $HASH and has since been paused while the BMC Play-To-Mine $BTC game is under development. Will it come back? More to come.
BMC then utilized $HASH token for its mint of Rocket Passes. Ultra Miner holders who were generating $HASH token were able to mint Rocket Passes using 600 $HASH token instead of paying for them in ETH like whitelist and public minters did.
BMC then took its $HASH token off-chain for its new play-to-mine Bitcoin game. This will allow users to participate in the BMC ecosystem without paying expensive gas prices when operating with $HASH. It also allows the token to be transacted effortlessly which will be important when people realize just how many outlets BMC plans to build for $HASH on the Mars platform.
The previous use case was a great introduction to the power of Ultras generating 10 $HASH per day, but what about other BMC assets and the future of $HASH?
With Ultra Miners originally generating the only source of $HASH at 10 a day, then in the Spring of 2022, the team updated their generation amounts to increase their utility while the utility was added to other assets of the BMC ecosystem. The goal was to provide the assets with utility for the play-to-mine game without taking away the value of the Ultra Miners. It also provided a new rarity scale for all the BMC collections as the rarer traits would allow for slight increases in how much $HASH the assets generate. Below you can see the additional $HASH generations per day of OGs, Hash droids, and Ultras based on specific traits (Notice the Ultra Miners are still the powerhouse when it comes to the generation of $HASH).
Ultras, OGs, and Hash droids will now fuel Mission to Mars - the first ever play-to-mine Bitcoin game.
You want to amplify your total Terra Hash in the game? $HASH token.
You want to claim your BTC? $HASH token.
You want to speed up the time it takes for your Mars Miner to come online? $HASH token.
All of the generations and burn rates have been carefully considered by the team in order to ensure a healthy balance with the game’s tokenomics. The future of $HASH is very bright and BMC assets will be the only source in generating this token
Let me HASH you a question. Are you Subscribed?
Hash, hash, baby
The dash for HASH is on.